Microsoft has officially confirmed that Windows 7 (Codenamed Vienna) is not going to be released until early 2010. However, fresh rumors claim the release date to be June 3, 2009 - whatever the case maybe, we are not going to see the new OS anytime soon, so here we have another cool Windows Vienna Transformation Pack for Windows XP.
Windows 7 / Vienna Transformation Pack Features
* Vienna Navigator.
* Cool Superbar.
* Windows 7 Visual Styles.
* Sounds.
* Windows 7 wallpapers.
* Cursor Set.
* Windows Vienna Logon Screen.
* Windows Vienna Bootskin.
* All the required applications to apply these effects.

The Transformation Pack is 60MB in size. You can download it from Megaleecher.

Although tranformation packs slow down old computers or I should say computers with not enough graphics processing power. I never felt the drop in performance with my ATI HD 4850. Its good if you have a graphics card inside your cabinet. Have your say in the comments

Screenshoot Klik Here

Thanks To and download to Megaleecher.

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