FabFilter Pro-C VST RTAS FabFilter

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 |

FabFilter Pro-C is a high quality compressor plug-in with various beautiful program dependent compression styles. Professionals will be delighted with the high quality sound, while the innovatie interface makes compression easy to grasp for everyone. Ultra -flexible side-chain routingsApart from its beautiful sound and character, you also get very flexible routing. In Expert mode, external side chain input is available and you can choose between mono, stereo, or mid/side processing with completely customizable channel linking and routing. Innovative compression displaysIn addition to regular input, output and gain change meters, Pro-C offers a knee display and an animated compression display, which gives you a great insight in when, why, and how compression is applied to the audio signal. FabFilter goodiesFinally, you get all the usual FabFilter goodies: perfectly tuned knobs, MIDI Learn, Smart Parameter Interpolation for smooth parameter transitions, extensive help with interactive help hints, AltiVec and SSE optimization, and much more!

Download FabFilter Pro-C VST RTAS FabFilter

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