The award winning SV range of audio plug-ins are an essential part of any studio. Providing processing solutions for the routine tasks of compression, equalisation and gating, these products are anything but regular. Using proprietary Sonalksis 'state-space' technology, these plug-ins are physically modelled to provide the ultimate in high-quality analogue sound.
SV-315 Mk2 Compressor
"Spectacular Sound....the sound is unbeatable" - UK Computer Music Magazine
"10/10 for Sound, 10/10 for stability" - Future Music magazine
SV-517 Mk2 Equaliser
"Does it behave in an analogue-like way? To my ears, absolutely" - Audio Media Magazine
"Quite simply the finest sounding, best designed plug-in EQ I have ever had the pleasure to work with."
SV-719 Analogue Gate
"This is by far the best sounding Gate/Expander out there. You just feel that Analogue thing right away!"

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